Kayvan Novak pilots Celebrity Voicemail for TV
No hacking involved in Radio 4 transfer
Fonejacker star Kayvan Novak is working on a TV version of his Radio 4 series Celebrity Voicemail.
As the title suggests, the programme imagines the recordings left on stars’ answering machines, such as an agent leaving a message for Benedict Cumberbatch.
‘We’re going to turn that into a telly [thing],’ he told Channel 4’s Sunday Brunch at the weekend.
‘That was a radio show I did where I imagined the contents of a celebrity’s voicemail ,’ he explained. ‘And then I would record all of their messages.’
The programme has run for two series on Radio 4, and the new adaptation will be for BBC Three.
In a separate interview with the British Comedy Guide, Novak said that just one episode will be produced initially - but not reveal which celebrity’s voicemail would be ‘hacked’.
Novak was speaking to promote Britain Today Tonight, his new topical prank show which starts on Channel 4 on Friday at 10pm.
Published: 2 May 2017