2016 Archives
Tue 08 November 2016

What your favourite band reveals about your favourite comedian
08/11/2016 … Coldplay fans like Jimmy Carr; Peter Kay fans like Robbie Williams and Stewart Lee fans like The Fall.

Before the Big Bang...
Sitcom producers plan a prequel based on Sheldon
08/11/2016 … Plans for a spin-off to the Big Bang Theory are in the pipeline.
Mon 07 November 2016

Ted Danson commits to more Curbs
With his wife Mary Steenburgen
07/11/2016 … Ted Danson and his wife Mary Steenburgen have signed up to return to Curb Your Enthusiasm.

The album that made me choose stand-up as a living
Mike Wilmot picks his comedy favourites
07/11/2016 … Laurel and HardyWhere to start, where to start? I think my first memory of comedy was watching old silent films with my dad on his Super 8 projector.

Harry Hill pilots a spoof sports show
Prepare to be introduced to Spoot
07/11/2016 … Harry Hill is piloting a comedy about a fictional sport for Radio 4.

Another Bafta for Mrs Brown's Boys
07/11/2016 … MRS BROWN’S BOYS has won the comedy and entertainment category of the Scottish Baftas for the second year running, ahead of fellow nominees Scot Squad and Two…