Chris Fleming starts a UK tour
The week's best live comedy
The best of the week's live comedy, picked from the thousands of events Chortle currently has listed. Use our search panel to check our full listings by date and region.
Sunday June 16
MANCHESTER: Comic and quizzer Paul Sinha is in conversation about his new memoirs, One Sinha Lifetime, at the Frog & Bucket from 7pm.
YARM: A treat on Teesside as Dylan Moran headlines theRipping Yarms Comedy Club in the Princess Alexandra auditorium.
Monday June 17
LONDON: The Dad’s Army Radio Show – a performance of three classic episodes with just two actors and two microphones – comes to Wilton’s Music Hall in East London for the week. David Benson and Jack Lane recreate all the characters in The Love of Three Oranges, The Miser’s Hoard and The Making of Private Pike.
Wednesday June 19
GLASGOW: Chris Fleming, pictured, the American character comedian best known for his YouTube alter ego Gayle, starts a short tour of the UK at the Glee. With much of his comedy coming from expectations of masculinity – and how he doesn’t live up to them – he is at Brighton Corn Exchange on Saturday, then Manchester’s Frog and Bucket and London’s Leicester Square Theatre next week.
LONDON: For Refugee Week, Laff-Uccino showcases new comics from migrant backgrounds as well as top-flight comics Nish Kumar, Kiri Pritchard-McLean, Lou Sanders and Rhys James at the Union Chapel.
Friday June 21
LONDON: Bill O’Neill starts a Soho Theatre run of his cult 2023 Edinburgh Fringe smash The Amazing Banana Brothers, a wild physical comedy about two daredevil siblings attempting the impossible – slipping on 1,000 banana peels. Read our original review here
LONDON: Sara Pascoe headlines another great Hackney Comedy Experience bill at Earth, with a supporting line-up that includes wry Rhys James and the compelling Thanyia Moore.
COLCHESTER: The arts centre hosts a Laugh Out Proud! Sutherland LGBTQ+ comedy night with bonkers Ada Campe, deadpan Heidi Regan, and biting Joe Sutherland.
Published: 16 Jun 2024