Dane Baptiste issues a death threat to fellow comic | Police to investigate over vile post targetting 'Zionist' woman

Dane Baptiste issues a death threat to fellow comic

Police to investigate over vile post targetting 'Zionist' woman

Dane Baptiste has made a public death threat to a fellow comedian.

The comedian has been reported to the police over his aggressive social media post targeting an unnamed ‘Zionist’ female comedian who he claimed to be ‘stalking’ his family online.

Writing on his Instagram stories, Baptiste, 42, said: ‘I want you to sit down with your husband and kids and imagine what their lives will be without you, b/c north London is a quick trip to make and a Think Tank will have to be an actual tank to keep you safe from me. 

‘Ask about and comedians will tell you I will be at your literal doorstep. Your agent won't keep you safe. And I'll sit in prison while your family sit at the cemetery.

‘First and last warning. Your act is dumb but don't be a dumb woman. For your own safety.’

The post was removed after Chortle asked Baptiste’s representatives for a comment this afternoon, although we have not yet received a response to that request.

The Jewish comic he targeted, who wishes to remain anonymous, declined to comment.

Baptiste's Instagram post

Baptiste has been condemned by a number of fellow comedians.

Josh Howie tweeted: ‘I've known and liked Dane Baptiste a long time. I’m also a fan of his comedy. So I’ve somewhat held back as he’s descended down the rabbit hole of Jew hatred. But this is the end point - openly threatening Jewish, I mean "Zionist", women. The priority now is this woman’s safety.’

Lee Kern said it was ‘the most chilling, sincere and credible death threat against a Jewish woman. This has to be dealt with in the most serious manner possible.’

Marcus Brigstocke added: ‘The threat made by Dane Baptiste against a woman on IG wasn’t vague & cannot be justified. It was targeted & dangerous. Driven (imo) by antisemitism & misogyny. I refuse to look the other way & stay silent while only Jewish friends speak up. Hatred & racism like this has to end.’

In 2014, Baptiste became the first black Briton to be nominated for best newcomer at the Edinburgh Comedy Awards – and the following year made his own BBC sitcom Sunny D. He also piloted the sketch show Bamous for the broadcaster in 2021. His other TV credits include  Live At The Apollo  and Richard Osman's House Of Games.

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Published: 1 May 2024

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