Mike Wozniak launches a new podcast
The week's best comedy on demand
The week's best comedy on demand. For more streaming gigs use the 'find live comedy' search box with 'online' as the region.
THREE BEAN SALAD: This newly launched podcast features Taskmaster's Mike Wozniak with fellow comedians Henry Paker and Benjamin Partridge meandering off the point of a different topic each week. The first episode starts with posters and goes on to incorporate a counterfeit Santana, Prince Charles's toilet seat and terrifying flightless birds. It's available from Anchor.fm or the usual podcast places.
JUST THE TONIC COMEDY CLUB WORKING FROM HOME: Another great bill from the Midlands-based clubs includes Ed Gamble, Marcel Lucont, Mark Simmons and Tom Binns as well as MC Darrell Martin. Tickets
Sunday May 2
SO YOU THINK YOU'RE FUNNY? The first virtual heat of the UK's longest-running new act competition takes place, with the focus on rookie comics from Birmingham. There will be 30 in total over the next two months, ahead of a final at the Gilded Balloon at the Edinburgh Fringe. We all hope. Tickets for the virtual gigs are available here.
Tuesday May 4
WIFE ON EARTH: The third series of Joanna Neary and Joseph Nixon’s podcast begins today. Desperate not to get left behind in the world of broadcasting, Celia and her husband Fred decide to review books inspired by their British cleaner’s visits to foreign countries, and whatever they can find lying about on the floor. The show available from the Cosmic Shambles Network or the usual podcast places.
Friday May 7
MEN IN BLACK: INTERNATIONAL: The fourth instalment in the sci-fi-comedy-action franchise, starring Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson, lands on Netflix today... though it didn't get great reviews when it was released in 2019, with Rotten Tomatoes' critical consensus declaring it 'amiable yet forgettable'.
Published: 1 May 2021