Rhod Gilbert pilots BBC Two talkshow
BBC Two is to pilot a new comedy chat show hosted by Rhod Gilbert called Delete Delete Delete.
The format involves the Welsh comedian interviewing two special guests about the contents of their internet history – weird websites, most watched virals, odd blogs and questions asked of their favourite search engine.
Following a run-through back in October 2013, a full studio pilot will be recorded on Thursday June 12 at Pinewood Studios.
Gilbert's guests on the pilot will be TV Dragon Deborah Meaden and fellow comic Patrick Kielty.
The format was co-created by Ali Crockett, David Scott and Roughcut Television, the production company behind BBC Three sitcom Cuckoo. The pilot wll be produced by Matt White, and executive producers are Ash Atalla and Neil Calow.
Click here to be in the studio audience.
Published: 22 May 2014