Stolen! Jimmy's concrete wellies
WTF: Weekly Trivia File
• ‘I had a year of partying and it was soulless. In 90 per cent of the encounters, the sex wasn't even good... being a rockstar comedian is one of the most vacuous, soulless, inauthentic things you can be.’ Russell Kane.• Thieves have stolen a pair concrete wellies from Jimmy Cricket’s garden. The signed gift was a 50th birthday present from Ken Dodd nearly 18 years ago and had taken pride of place in his Rochdale garden. Cricket said: ‘These are not the lightest things in the world, so I have told the police they are looking for a burglar with a hernia. Whoever it was also took a hosepipe.’
• As discussed on Mock The Week last night, Chris Addison is one of the favourites to be the new Doctor Who – with odds as short as 5/2, thanks largely to Paloma Faith tweeting: ‘A friend who works on Doctor Who says that Chris Addison is replacing Matt Smith - WOW’. But there’s another campaign to get Ed Byrne the job... although it might need kick-starting. The online petition to get him in the Tardis currently has just 76 signatures.
• Ben Elton has name-dropped the fact that he became friends with Paul McCartney and George Harrison in the Nineties, as he hosted a partisan Q&A with Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard on her campaign trail this week.
• Freaky! Twitter user 3ma_Shropshire has posted online a picture of the 19th birthday cake her mum made her. With a picture of stand-ups Chris Ramsey and Jason Cook iced on to it.... See.
• Cheeky! eBayer moto_x1 is selling a copy of this year’s programme from Edinburgh’s ‘Big 4’ venues for £4.99 online. He’s not yet had any bids on the six he has available, which isn’t entirely surprising since they are free and printed in their tens of thousands...
• ‘I thought when Richard Pryor died, that was the end of comedy. But we go on.’ Mel Brooks
• Comic Jim Tavare stars in the video to New Zealand band The Phoenix Foundation's new single Thames Soup. The outfit recently made their UK debut on Later...with Jools Holland.
• A comedy writer has backtracked after claiming he ghostwrote material for Star Trek actor George Takei. Rick Polito had claimed he supplied some of the funny material on Takei’s page – which has 4,1million likes – for $10 a pop. But after a backlash from some fans, Polito explained that he merely forwarded funny material and had ‘no direct contact with George’.
• Russell Brand has revealed the most number of orgasms he’s had in one day. ‘Once in Dublin—nine,’ he said. ‘Not even in a day, an evening. I felt exhausted.’
• He’s also confessed that he one became a postman because he thought housewives would want sex with him when he delivered their post. He toldDavid Letterman: ‘I thought the housewives would open the door with a gesture to the nether regions. It turns out it's not a window for sex. They just want the letters basically.’ He lasted three weeks in the job.
• John Oliver believes he was invited to audition for the job of a correspondent on The Daily Show following a recommendation from Ricky Gervais, but says he's never looked too deeply into for fear of discovering the whole thing was some sort of administrative error.
• Irish comedian PJ Gallagher has secretly married in Las Vegas. No friends or family saw him marry long-term girlfriend Elaine Stewart in an eight-minute ceremony. The Naked Camera star said of their witnesses: ‘We found them through a series of tattoo shops. A fella called Timmy Tats from Philadelphia, who tattoos in Dublin, said he would find us a witness.’
• Tweets of the week
Adam Hess (@adamhess1 ): A TV producer once told me that he was worried I was too cerebral for their audience so I asked what that meant.
A Mean Crow (@mean_crow ): "Someone's been sleeping in my bed!" said mommy bear. "Who hasn't" muttered daddy bear. "What?! You wanna do this now, in front of the kid!"
Tom Fox (@ TomFoxTom ):Disappear (v): Speak rudely to a member of The House of Lords. #ued
Published: 14 Jun 2013