Russell Brand performs a wedding
...and it's legit
Russell Brand has conducted a marriage ceremony during one of his stand-up gigs.
The comic is an ordained minister, making the wedding of Scarlett and Will De Boor in a Santa Barbara casino, legitimate.
The ceremony was somewhat unconventional, with Brand telling the audience/congregation the bride ‘loved sucking cock’. He also made Will promise to honour his bride ‘even on the four days of every month when she’s a total arsehole’ and Scarlett to promise to let Will ‘have the remote control’.
Posting the footage on his YouTube channel, Brand said: ‘I am now and ordained minister and will wed people, of any gender, at all my gigs. No funerals.’
Becoming a minister is a formality in the States. The Universal Life Church has ordained more than 20 million people for free online, and many states, including California, allow ministers to conduct legal marriages.
Here is the ceremony:
Published: 6 Aug 2011