2010 Archives
Mon 11 October 2010

Banksy writes Simpsons sequence
Watch grafitti artist's couch gag
11/10/2010 … Graffiti artist Banksy has created a grim title sequence for The Simpsons.

Movie trailer axed over 'gay' joke
11/10/2010 … A trailer for Vince Vaughn’s new film comedy has been pulled from cinemas amid a row over using ‘gay’ as an insult.

Harry Hill to launch internet show
11/10/2010 … A trailer has been released for Harry Hill's new series – which will be broadcast online rather than on ITV.

Al Murray: Barrel Of Fun
11/10/2010 … When Al Murray first donned his burgundy blazer in 1994, he could have had no idea that the Pub Landlord character would be going strong 16 years later, with half…