2010 Archives
Sun 31 October 2010

Family arguments
Peruvians take offence at sitcom gag
31/10/2010 … Sky One sitcom Modern Family has sparked a diplomatic incident, after making a joke about Peruvians.

Weird how he's never been here before
Yankovic set for first UK tour
31/10/2010 … American song parodist ‘Weird Al’ Yankovic is to play his first UK dates in his 35-year career.

31/10/2010 … MICHAEL McINTYRE's autobiography Life & Laughing has topped the Sunday Times bestseller list for the second week running, selling another 24,235 copies.

Harry Hill's legal hell
31/10/2010 … A comedy album by Harry Hill has been hit by another series of setbacks, with 90,000 copies being scrapped over copyright issues – including complaints from his…
Sat 30 October 2010

Americans get Thick
Pilot episode for Iannucci's Veep
30/10/2010 … The Thick Of It is to be remade for an American audience.

'It's just so tragic'
30/10/2010 … Tributes have been paid to Scottish comedy star Gerard Kelly after he died at the age of 51.

ISIHAC recording cancelled over theatre double-booking
30/10/2010 … A recording of Radio 4’s I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue has been cancelled – after the venue got double-booked.