2010 Archives
Mon 15 November 2010

15/11/2010 … MORE4's much-trailed new comedy The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret, starring David Cross, attracted 106,000 viewers at 10.

Greg Giraldo: Midlife Vices
15/11/2010 … This DVD, which has long been scheduled for a November release, now has an added poignancy after Giraldo took a fatal overdose of prescription medication in September,…

Oldies but Goodies...
70s troupe to appear at slapstick film festival
15/11/2010 … The Goodies will all take part in Bristol’s annual festival of visual comedy next year.

Ben Elton lands Aussie TV series
15/11/2010 … Ben Elton is to front his own live comedy series on Australian TV.

The Horne Section
15/11/2010 … While Britain’s more established comedy clubs stick to playing it safe with their programming, there’s an increasing appetite for big nights out with a bit more…
Sun 14 November 2010

Men will rule comedy for 200 years
14/11/2010 … Miranda Hart says comedy is going to be male-dominated for the ‘next 200 years’.
Sat 13 November 2010

Sean Hughes: Ducks & Other Mistakes I've Made
13/11/2010 … There’s plenty of thoughtful, reflective humour in Sean Hughes’s current show – but, my, does he make the audience work for it.