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Mon 26 April 2010

marathon26 |


26/04/2010 … RUSSELL HOWARD completed the London Marathon in 4hrs 15mins on Sunday – 40 minutes faster than Lee Evans.

Sun 25 April 2010

pole25 |


25/04/2010 … ARCTIC adventure comedy Beyond The Pole, starring Stephen Mangan and Rhys Thomas, has been named best comedy at the London Independent Film Festival.

cleesknee25 |


25/04/2010 … JOHN CLEESE is having a second operation on his knee after his joint gave way, and appeared in a wheelchair when he filmed this week's Graham Norton Show.

Sat 24 April 2010

Save our BBC! | Comedians lead protest

Save our BBC!

Comedians lead protest

24/04/2010 … Peter Kay, Eddie Izzard and David Mitchell are among the comics to have joined a campaign to publicly oppose Conservative attacks on the BBC.

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