Missing the joke...
Tories ask for help from comics who mocked them
The Conservatives’ advertising agency have asked a bunch of comedians to produce a party political broadcast for them – after watching them mock Samantha Cameron.
M&C Saatchi approached production company Clever Pie after their viral mockumentary Leaders’ Wives was published on the BBC website.
The sketch included stand-up Sarah Kendall as Sarah Brown, forever tweeting, and Lucy Montgomery as well-bred Mrs Cameron, trying to learn how to be more common.
Isabel Fay, one of the founders of Clever Pie and co-writer of the video, said they were surprised by the approach from Saatchi – but had to turn it down.
Fay, who also played Nick Clegg’s wife Miriam Gonzalez Durantez in the spoof, said: ‘We never expected a call from the Tories’ advertising agency asking our company to co-produce a party political broadcast for them.
‘Of course we said no, as everyone involved in Clever Pie is entirely politically ambivalent and don't even care if this country goes to the dogs.
‘We also portray Nick Griffin’s wife as a Nigerian Matriarch, but sorry, Nick, we can't help you either.’
Here is the video:
Published: 25 Apr 2010