Mark Steel – Original Review
Note: This review is from 2004
Review by Steve Bennett
Mark Steel was one of the angry young lefties at the forefront of the alternative comedy boom of the Eighties.
He’s not so angry now, in his middle age, but the passion is certainly still there.
That he’s no longer involved in the cut-and-thrust of the circuit may have cost him something in the way of agility, but he’s an astute, literate, and well-informed commentator with a rare gift for bringing his ideas alive.
It’s that which ensures his routines are always entertaining. Live, on radio, or on TV, he presents fascinating insights into intriguing historical figures, all the while drawing relevant parallels with modern times. What often may seem like an uninspiring topic is always brought brilliantly to life, with never a dull moment.
Review date: 1 Nov 2004
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett