The truth about Iron Man
Tweets of the week
Tweets of the week
Love is finishing each other's sentences pic.twitter.com/6GRa6gkcYI
— Martyn McLaughlin (@MartynMcL) December 29, 2021
Turns out the only way to get a rapid test in Australia now is to play England.
— Lucy Carter (@lucethoughts) December 29, 2021
Why would you call it sending an unsolicited dick pic when you could call it flash photography.
— Alice R Fraser (@aliterative) December 21, 2021
That's putting it mildly. It didn't even meet OUR editorial standards.
— Sunday Sport (@thesundaysport) December 30, 2021
Iron Man is a Fe male.
— Olaf Falafel (@OFalafel) December 28, 2021
What idiot called it a hangover instead of not calling it anything, and not saying anything at all and just being very, very quiet please
— paul bassett davies (@thewritertype) December 26, 2021
Published: 31 Dec 2021