Women are like buses...
07/09/2018 … Tweets of the week As a protest against Nike I have decided to stop just doing things.
07/09/2018 … Tweets of the week As a protest against Nike I have decided to stop just doing things.
Traveller and writer's most eye-opening trip
07/09/2018 … The authoritarian, insular Pyongyang regime is infamous for blocking all outside media from its nation’s tightly controlled borders.
Comedy punter indignant over stand-up's banter
06/09/2018 … An irritating comedy club punter has demanded a written retraction after a stand-up hinted that he might be paedophile.
06/09/2018 … Are The Simpsons time-travellers?That could be the only explanation after Matt Selman, an executive producer on the animated comedy, uncovered a glaring mistake…
Mansion formerly owned by Thomas Crapper
02/09/2018 … Who knew? Boy George lives in Marty Feldman's old home.
...to put it back to how it was!
01/09/2018 … The cafe in Fleabag is almost a character in itself, themed around guinea pigs and where a cheese sandwich costs £12.
31/08/2018 … Tweets of the week I can’t believe Louis CK of all people subjected an unsuspecting crowd to several minutes of self-indulgent behavior without their consent…
Comic has emergency appendix op
31/08/2018 … Tony Bennett left his heart in San Francisco… now Jim Gaffigan has left his appendix in Alaska.
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