'My dictaphone is suddenly full...'
Tweets Of The Week
Tweets Of The Week.I'm suspicious that my dictaphone is suddenly full, although I may be reading too much into it.
— James Martin (@Pundamentalism) April 4, 2017
Marvel's latest superhero is called "The Chiropractor", he's got a fantastic back story.
— Tony Cowards (@TonyCowards) April 5, 2017
On a sweet-toothed whim, I ordered a box of Wispas from a Chinese website. By the time they reached me, they were Mars bars.
— Jason (@NickMotown) April 2, 2017
What idiot called it genealogy and not "getting your roots done"?
— Phil Pagett (@Phil_Pagett) March 31, 2017
Perhaps if @theresa_may is so keen on chocolate eggs, maybe her policies could be a little kinder.
— Skillsmcgill (@skillsmcgill) April 4, 2017
Published: 7 Apr 2017