50 improv troupes in marathon gig | Line-up for 5th annual Hoopla event revealed

50 improv troupes in marathon gig

Line-up for 5th annual Hoopla event revealed

The line-up has been announced for the fifth annual Hoopla Improv Marathon, featuring 50 groups performing back-to-back over two days and nights.

Hundreds of performers will be taking part including queer troupe Hell Yeah Show (pictured), the  family-friendly improvised hip-hop show Track 96 and the Dreamweaver Quartet, which makes up musicals based on the audience’s dreams

The event takes place at Hoopla’s theatre above the Miller pub in London Bridge from 7pm on Friday September 23 to 2am on Sunday September 25, although there are no shows on Saturday morning.

Daytime and late-night sessions are free.

The full schedule is

Friday September 23

19:30: Hoopla Improv Marathon 2022 - Part 1

19:40: Shuffle
19:55: Hell Yeah Show
21:15: You Only See The Legs Show
21:30: The Improvised Twilight Zone.

22:30: Hoopla Improv Marathon 2022 - Part 2

22:35 No You're a Vision
22:50 My Sons
23:05 Wrestle Prov
23:15 Gooseprov
23:45 Once Upon A Borat
00:00 Wordle: Live!
00:15 Lust Isle
00:30 Whose Mouth Is Inyway?
00:40 Jive dance break
00:55 Foul Play: The Improvised Murder mystery
01:10 Soap Town
01:35 Marty and Nadine's Soloprov
01:45 Whack-a-mole
02:05 Ghost Pro
02:15 Jive Stroll with Gamez

Saturday September 24

13:00: Hoopla Improv Marathon 2022 - Part 3 - IMPROV JAM

14:45: Hoopla Improv Marathon 2022 - Part 4 - FAMILY ZONE

14:45 Kerfuffle
15:15 Track 96

15:50: Hoopla Improv Marathon 2022

16:10 Magic Prov
16:25 On Repeat: The improvised musical
16:40 Neurodivergent Improvisers
16:50 Commercial Break
17:00 Giddy Aunt Improv
17:15 Bucket of Death
17:25 Not GCSE Drama
17:35 Hidden Histories
17:50 Meme-ification
18:00 Whack
18:20 Varsity Days
18:35 AdLibretto
18:55 Taco Cat
|19:15 Down in the Old Miller Inn

19:30: Hoopla Improv Marathon 2022 - Part 6

19:35: The Descendants.
19:55: Music Box presents Genre Play
20:40: Do The Right Scene - Special Delivery
21:20: Dreamweaver Quartet.

22:00: Hoopla Improv Marathon 2022 - Part 7

22:05 Questions De Nironly
22:15 Sh@t Band
22:17 Improvised Gardener's World
22:27 Emergency Moustache
22:45 Hoopla Village Choir
23:05 I'm a Pensioner Get Me Outta Here.
23:15 The Video Game NPC Town Squar
23:25 Improv the Dead
23: 45 Improvised Dragon's Den
23:55 Improvised ChuckleVision

Published: 8 Sep 2022

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