Russell Brand faces sexual assault case
Extra on Arthur files a lawsuit in the US
Russell Brand has been accused of sexually assaulting a woman in the first legal action brought against him.
In a lawsuit filed in America, a movie extra who worked on the set of Arthur said that during filming in July 2010 the comedian exposed himself to her before following her into a bathroom and sexually assaulting her.
Brand has not commented on the new case, but after being accused of rape, sexual assaults and emotional abuse in a report by the Times and Channel 4’s Dispatches earlier this year, he said that although he was promiscuous at the peak of his fame, his relationships were ‘always consensual’.
The new case has brought under New York legislation allowing those who claim historic sexual abuse to file lawsuits outside the usual statute of limitations. The window for such actions closes on November 24.
The affidavit accuses Brand of being intoxicated on set before exposing himself to his accuser in full view of the cast and crew.
Warner Bros Pictures and other companies involved in the production are also named as defendants.
Published: 4 Nov 2023