2019 News
All the latest news about comedy and comedians: stand-up, TV sitcoms and sketch shows, comedy movies, etc…
Sat 18 May 2019

Fri 17 May 2019

Renewed: Miracle workers
US comedy with Daniel Radcliffe, Steve Buscemi andLolly Adefope
17/05/2019 … American broadcaster TBS has ordered a second series of Miracle Workers, its workplace comedy set in heaven.

Amy Hoggart gets her own American TV show
TBS orders a series from the British Full Frontal correspondent
17/05/2019 … Amy Hoggart is to front her own show on America’s TBS network.

Agents move on
Duo leave Phil McIntyre for new set-up at Casarotto Ramsay
17/05/2019 … Comedy agents Chris Lander and Kate Watson have left Phil McIntyre Management to join the literary and talent agency Casarotto Ramsay & Associates.

Ukip's Carl Benjamin claims he's saving comedy with his rape jokes
'The BBC is doing all it can to kill it off'
17/05/2019 … The Ukip candidate who has ‘joked’ about raping a Labour MP has claimed he is fighting for the future of British comedy.

Ticked off
Amazon cancels Peter Serafinowicz series
17/05/2019 … Amazon has cancelled Peter Serafinowicz’s comedy superhero series The Tick.

Brett Goldstein to write US anthology series
With a Black Mirror Emmy-winner
17/05/2019 … British comedian Brett Goldstein is writing a Black Mirror-style anthology series for American broadcaster AMC.

Dave Chappelle announces two London dates
17/05/2019 … Dave Chappelle is to return to the UK next month, with two London gigs.