Will and Grace comes to an end – again
Revived sitcom's next season will be its last
Will & Grace is coming to an end – for a second time.
Producers said that the rebooted US sitcom will end with the upcoming season in 2020.
This will be the third series since its 2017 comeback, and 11th in total, and bringing the final number of episodes to 246.
The series, starring Eric McCormack, Debra Messing, Megan Mullally, and Sean Hayes came back after a 2016 election-themed mini-reunion episode, ten years after the last regular instalment, was a hit. Since then, 52 more episodes were made.
Executive producers Max Mutchnick, David Kohan and James Burrows said in a statement: ‘We think of the Will & Grace’ reboot episodes the way Karen Walker thinks of martinis – 51 is not enough, 53 is too many, That is why, after consulting with the cast, we all have decided this will be the final season of ‘Will & Grace.’
‘In 2016, Bob Greenblatt came to us with the idea of doing a 10-episode reboot of Will & Grace. They say you can’t go home again, but we did. And now, three seasons and 52 episodes later, we’re even more proud of something we never thought we’d get a chance to do again.
‘We have had a once-in-a-lifetime experience twice. And for that, we owe a double debt of gratitude to NBC, this show’s supportive and caring home since day one.’
‘It’s been the highlight of our careers to write for and direct four incredible artists who we consider to be the finest and funniest ensemble sitcom cast of all time.
‘Of course, actors as brilliant as these four are only as good as the words they’re given. The Will & Grace writing room has been a dream team that has consistently lifted the show to heights we never could have achieved on our own with their collective humor, warmth, and humanity.
’The hardest part about making this decision is saying goodbye to our outstanding production team and crew who, over two decades, brought passion and artistry to every department. If we had just one more season, we would have learned their names. So, thank you Handlebar Mustache, Cheese Lady, and Cargo Shorts #1 – #12. We will always think of you as family.
‘And finally, our deepest gratitude goes to each and every Will & Grace fan across the world. It was a privilege to make you laugh.’
Published: 25 Jul 2019