Good old Ada... | Comedy character wins Old Comedian Of the Year

Good old Ada...

Comedy character wins Old Comedian Of the Year

Ada Campe, the dotty variety hall alter-ego of character comedian Naomi Paxton, has won the Leicester Square Theatre’s Old Comedian Of The Year competition 

She previously won the 2018 NATY new act of the year competition.

Second place went to London-based Irish stand-up Colin Chadwick and third was Brighton-based Jules Oliver.

Other finalists in the competition, open to over-35s, were Cerys Nelmes, Chantal Feduchin-Pate, Jane HillOh Standfast, Paul Merryck, Rob DebRyan Cull, Stylophobia and Terence Frisby.

Click here for our review.

Published: 3 Jun 2018

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