Book deal for Reginald D Hunter
Comic is writing about his British experiences
Reginald D Hunter is writing a book about his 20 years living in the UK.
Dances With Limeys promises to shed light on everything from ‘the national sport of self-loathing to dealing with "pedantotrons"’ – people who take excessive relish in correcting arcane or irrelevant facts.
Publishers Octopus said: ‘Before he left the States for the UK back in 1997, Hunter's sister warned him not to be too smiley or friendly – "they're suspicious of optimism".
‘He laughed, hugged her goodbye and merrily boarded the plane. One attempt at a chirpy greeting on the London Underground was enough to teach him the truth of his sister's words, with an entire carriage staring at their feet, or at him, in horror.
‘The ensuing years living among the British have continued to throw up more questions - and occasionally some answers - for Hunter: experiencing weather that is best for suicidal, alcoholic, posthumously-famous poets leads him to ponder whether early Britons committed a cosmic violation that resulted in the punishment of endless rain; while the British tendency to start relationships in a vague, alcohol-induced fashion continues to prove perplexing for someone used to American dating etiquette.’
The book had been due to be published in October last year, but Hunter told his audience at the Latitude festival yesterday that he was still writing it.
‘I have spent the advance money,’ he joked, before introducing stories about his encounters with the staid, conservative world of publishing.
He also revealed what the D. stands for in his name: Darnell.
Published: 16 Jul 2017