TV role for Reggie Watts
In a US sitcom created from a blog
Reggie Watts is to star in a new TV comedy, based on the blog Bad Advice From My Brother.
The comedian, known for his live shows in which he uses effects pedals to create character-based soundscapes, is to play the next-door neighbour in the Comedy Central show.
Miles Fisher and Mike Castle have been cast as the two brothers at its heart; the elder of which chases women and money on Wall Street while giving misplaced wisdom to his his younger sibling.
The show is currently at the pilot stage, with Jordan Pope Roush adapting it from his own blog.
Watts – who is appearing at the South Bank Centre in London tomorrow night – has is the sidekick on IFC's Comedy Bang Bang and has been a regular guest on shows such as Totally Biased With W. Kamau Bell and Conan.
Published: 17 Jun 2013