Dr Shappi, the role model
University honours Khorsandi
Shappi Khorsandi is to receive an honorary doctorate from the University of Winchester.
The Iranian-born comedian studied in the university when it was known as King Alfred’s College. She graduated in 1995 with a degree in drama, theatre and television.
Professor Elizabeth Stuart, pro vice chancellor at the university, said: ‘We are delighted to be able to honour Shappi Khorsandi. She is a wonderful role model to all our students because she had a dream – to be a comedian – and she pursued it relentlessly until she was successful.
‘Humour can be an incisive way of analysing the world and Shappi brings both her extraordinary early story and the ordinary life of a woman and mother to bear in her comedy.’
She will receive her degree at a graduation ceremonyin Winchester Cathedral on October 22.
Published: 6 Oct 2010