When banter goes bad
WTF... from Edinburgh
- Bennett Arron caused something of an upset during his Fringe show this week, when he asked the audience if anyone had been arrested. A man put his hand up and said: ‘Yes, I've been.’ His wife, who was sat next to him, quickly turned to him and said;, ‘No you haven't!’ He said: ‘ Yes, I have. I just haven't told you.’ ‘Why were you arrested?, Arron asked. ‘I ran an illegal lottery scam.’ His wife's face dropped and she said: ‘You told me that was your brother!’ ‘Well, I did it with him. And when I told you we were away for a month on business last year, we were actually both in jail.’ The wife looked at him. She then got up and, in tears, ran out After an awkward moment, the man stood up, pointed at Arron and shouted: ‘You shouldn't have asked me!’ before following his wife out
- Patrick Monahan will be spending the rest of the Fringe on crutches after falling off stage while hosting a 'best of the fest' show.
- Police are investigating Sanderson Jones’s Fringe show – after a woman complained about its use of an image of a naked ten-year-old Brooke Shields. The photograph, called Spiritual America, was removed from Tate Modern last year over fears that it broke obscenity laws. Now Jones had to send officers a copy of his PowerPoint slides as they investigate the compaint. The woman who complained said the show was unsuitable for her 14-year-old daughter – despite it being advertised as a 16+ material and the warning given before the show starts.
- Spotted in Ava Vidal’s Fringe show: JK Rowling. And Peter Mandelson in Simon Munnery’s
- Irony alert: Keith Chegwin has complained that Chortle breached his copyright. The shameless joke thief’s agent asked us to remove a photograph from the site as it was owned by Cheggers himself, not a generic publicity shot as we thought. We complied. Now how about those gags on your Twitter page, Keith?
- Nineteen of the 21 people attending a screening of a film about Malcolm Hardee’s Tunnel club this week walked out in shock at the sight of Chris Lynam doing his notorious ‘firework up the bum’ routine.
- Helping out on Al Murray’s Fringe pub quiz this year are a duo called Igor and Wilf. One day this week they decided to do their laundry, so they got in a cab said: ‘Take us to a launderette.’ The taxi took them there, they dropped off their laundry, cab back to the hotel, sat down for a pint … and only then realised that they didn't know where the laundrette was.
- How the American comedy circuit works:
- Robert White has insisted his decision to abandon a show this week because a Chortle reviewer was in was entirely out of character. White, who has Asperger’s syndrome, says he has leaned to control his condition and now does ‘very well consistently 99.999999% of the time’. ‘This is a one off, an anomaly and something to occur once in a blue moon,’ he said. ‘This is not me as many promoters, bookers, acts, friends, reviewers and audiences alike have seen me and know me.’
- Tweets of the week:
Chris Addison (@mrchrisaddison) My computer has just told me I'm now running on reserve battery power. I'm at #edfest. Of course I am.
Jason Manford: (@Jason_Manford) This morning, car had no water so had to fill it up from an Evian bottle. Looked up to see Dad shaking his head, muttering "You've changed".
David Schneider (@davidschneider ): Dear daughter. If a comedian has ***** GUARDIAN on his poster it doesn't mean ‘f**king GUARDIAN’. This doesn't apply to the Daily Mail.Published: 27 Aug 2010