Bush brought down to size
Lil' Bush: Resident of the United States started life as a mobile phone animation, and has been a hit on YouTube, where the pilot has been seen almost 250,000 times.
That five-minute episode has the pint-sized Bush and his pals torture dinnerladies and other canteen staff for serving up falafel, echoing the notorious images from Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison.
Lil' Bush is accompanied in his exploits by such pals as Lil' Cheney, who grumbles unintelligibly, and Lil' Condi, who has a crush on Lil’ Bush.
Writer-producer Donick Cary, who previously worked on The Simpsons, has been asked to make six episodes to air on the cable channel next year, according to trade paper The Hollywood Reporter.
Click here to watch the pilot, and other mobile episodes
Published: 4 Dec 2006