Mine's a large one!
Al Murray to play his biggest gig yet
Pub Landlord Al Murray has announced a date at London’s Hammersmith Apollo – his biggest gig yet.
The show at the 3,700-capacy hall comes as his a mammoth 120-date Giving It Both Barrels tour draws to the end.
His four West End performances were sell-outs, with ticket sales boosted by his appearances alongside Gordon Ramsey on Hell’s Kitchen.
Murray said: “This venue is a venue of legends, from Peter Kay to The Krankies, from Billy Connolly to Riverdance, and to join that list of legends would be an honour and a privilege.
“So buy a ticket or I'm going to look like a right idiot booking a great big empty hall.”
Tickets to the Hammersmith show, on Monday September 20, are priced £15 to £20. Click here to buy.
Click here for remaining tour dates, and a review of the West End show.
Published: 11 Jul 2004