'Out came the dragon outfit and I never looked back...'
Piff on his most memorable gigs
01/08/2016 … First gigQuircus, July 5, 2007, in a tiny pub in Honour Oak Park.
Interviews with comedians, comedy reviews, Perfect Playlists and other comedy features, all collected in one place.
Piff on his most memorable gigs
01/08/2016 … First gigQuircus, July 5, 2007, in a tiny pub in Honour Oak Park.
Content Provider out this week
01/08/2016 … Stewart Lee's new book, Content Provider is out this week – and we have six copies to give away, plus six pairs of tickets to see his forthcoming tour of the…
Previewing just a few of the festival shows
01/08/2016 … Ten Australians Ten Fringe institutions Ten award-winners Ten political shows Ten former Chortle Student competitors Ten comics as seen on TV Ten…
The best, and the rest, of the festival
29/07/2016 … Doug Anthony All Stars (DAAS) Live On Stage James Acaster: Reset * Louis CK Scott Agnew: I’ve Snapped My Banjo String, Let’s Just Talk .
9. Ten comics with silverware – or at least acrylic – to prove their worth
28/07/2016 … A total of 65 comedy shows this Fringe use the phrase ‘award-winning’, though most fail to mention exactly what award they’ve won.
27/07/2016 … It wouldn't be the same without them.
Comedy writer Andrew Ellard on his new show
26/07/2016 … What’s the idea behind Outsiders? There are two brilliant ideas – I can say that since they weren’t mine.
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