The artist fomerly known as Jim Dowd...
20 questions: James Dowdeswell
Kenny Everett and Peter Cook.
Where and when was your first gig?
Swansea Uni Students Union in the late 90s.
How did it go?
Got through it by sheer enthusiam.
What’s the best gig you’ve ever had?
At Portsmouth Wedgewood Rooms, part of the Phil Kay tour with Russell Howard.
And the worst?
Comedy Cafe 2000. First paid twenty-minute set but I only had seven minutes. My mouth dried up, confidence withered. Fortunately I performed under a pseudonym - Jim Dowd. One gig. One death. He's now retired.
What’s your ultimate ambition in comedy?
To tour a show round the world.
What’s the worst thing you’ve ever regretted saying on stage?
Good Evening I'm Jim Dowd ...
What’s the worst thing a critic has ever said about you?
My first solo show was described as not just a bad hair day, his jokes were bad too. Local newspapers can be cruel.
When did you first come to Edinburgh, and what did you do?
2001 - Big Value Show.
What’s been the biggest change since then?
The Free Fringe.
Is the Fringe still where stars can be spotted?
I don't think so. Most people who do well up here have earned it by working hard for years. There's no such thing as overnight success in stand up.
What’s you favourite Edinburgh experience?
Meeting up with your mates the night before the Fringe starts. Everyone's excited and in a good mood.
And your worst?
Flyering in the rain.
Where’s your favourite place to eat in Edinburgh?
A vegetarian restaurant opposite The Counting House on West Nicholson Street [Susie’s]
And to drink?
Where do you go to escape the festival?
Our flat, bantering round the kitchen table.
What’s your view of comedy awards like the if.comedy?
Good and bad. Good - they reward excellence. Bad - some comedians get extremely competitive over them and egos clash.
What one bit of advice would you give to someone visiting the festival?
Buy one ticket to a sure fire hit, then gamble on an up and coming show.Apart from your own, what other show would you recommend?
Yianni's show - Maybe YOU'D Like To Teach The Class. At The White Horse, Canongate. 5:20pm. And it's free!
Published: 20 Aug 2007
Book (2018)
The Pub Manifesto: A Comedian Stands Up For Pubs
Past Shows
Edinburgh Fringe 2009
James Dowdeswell: When I Grew Up I Wanted To Be Kenny Everett And Other Stories
We do not currently hold contact details for James Dowdeswell's agent. If you are a comic or agent wanting your details to appear here, for a one-off fee of £59, email steve@chortle.co.uk.