In pod we trust
Comics hit 10,000 downloads
A group of London comics has stormed harnessed the craze for podcasting to reach a five-figure audience.
For the past month, Stefano Paolini, James Dowdeswell (pictured) and Diane Morgan have been releasing a thrice-weekly topical show called Whack My Bush on the internet.
The five-minute comedies were incorporated into Apple’s key iTunes site on Saturday – and notched up more than 10,000 downloads in just two days.
The show’s success launched it straight into the global podcast charts at number 21.
Podcasting enables owners of iPods or other digital music players to subscribe to regular broadcasts. Each time a new show is released, it is automatically downloaded onto the user’s device.
Whack My Bush – which, like most podcasts, is offered free - is written and produced by Rikard Bell and Nick Hildred
Bell said: ‘Each show is about five minutes long and is an irreverant pisstake of George Bush, Tony Blair, Arnie - and anyone else we can drop into the show for no apparent reason.’
To download the show, go to the comedy menu of the podcast section in the latest version of iTunes – or visit the official website.
Published: 6 Jul 2005