Sat 21 October 2006

Fri 20 October 2006

Is that a biro in your pocket...
20/10/2006 … Slim pickings in our gossip round-up this week.
Thu 19 October 2006

Ginger? Is that like Nigger over here?
19/10/2006 … As Doug Stanhope gathers critical acclaim for his London run, he reveals in a previously unpublished interview how he’s bored of stand-up, how he hates Curb Your…

Pester power
19/10/2006 … Fans of QI have won their campaign to get the show released on DVD – after an internet petition convinced distributors there would be a market for it.

Modern comedy is rubbish
Dad's Army star slates writers
19/10/2006 … Dad's Army star Bill Pertwee has slammed modern TV comedy for being ‘too aggressive’ and sweary.
Wed 18 October 2006

Breaking the curses
18/10/2006 … A London comedy club has banned its stand-ups from swearingThe Funny Side Of Covent Garden is to offer a clean night of comedy, promising punters cash back if any…