Wed 20 December 2006

To Helmand and back
Comics visit troops in Afghanistan
20/12/2006 … Five comics visited Afghanistan’s notorious Helmand Province last week to entertain around 2,000 troops.

What a Dick!
Davidson outwitted by boy Scout heckler
20/12/2006 … Jim Davidson was furious after being put in his place – by a heckling boy Scout.
Tue 19 December 2006

Comics with X factor
19/12/2006 … Stand-ups Alex Zane and Jason Manford have both landed high-profile new radio jobs, hosting breakfast shows on XFM.

C4 wants Eejits
New sitcom from Arthur Mathews
19/12/2006 … Father Ted creator Arthur Mathews is writing a new comedy for Channel 4.

Mon 18 December 2006

Comedy with added Sparkle
18/12/2006 … Britain’s first media and marketing agency specialising in branded comedy has been launched.