Mon 07 December 2009

Horne & Corden axed
BBC pulls plug on planned second series
07/12/2009 … The BBC has pulled the plug on the second series of Mathew Horne and James Corden’s much- slated sketch show.

Value added comedy
Giacinto Palmieri on what separates good stand-up from bad
07/12/2009 … In his Correspondents column last week, stand-up Andrew Watts expressed some surprise that a routine in his Edinburgh show about Richard Dawkins's ‘weak epistemology’…

Gervais makes it into Who's Who
07/12/2009 … It may have been nine years since The Office made Ricky Gervais one of comedy’s biggest stars – but only now has he made it into the hallowed pages of Who’s…
Sun 06 December 2009

McIntyre DVD moves up the charts
06/12/2009 … Michael McIntyre’s top-selling Hello Wembley DVD has moved up the charts on its third week of release.

$110million Bruno lawsuit
06/12/2009 … The man described as a terrorist leader in Sacha Baron Cohen’s Bruno film has launched a $110million lawsuit for defamation.