2016 Archives
Mon 11 July 2016

Henley Festival 2016
Gig review by Steve Bennett at Henley Festival
11/07/2016 … There are no wellies at this festival… Manolo Blahnik heels maybe, but no wellies.

Britcoms dominate Rose d'Ors
UK to scoop its 12 comedy prize in a row
11/07/2016 … This year’s international Rose d’Or Award for best sitcom will be won by a British comedy, as UK programmes swept the nominees.

David Brent gives Doc Brown a promotion
11/07/2016 … A NEW poster has been released for Ricky Gervais's new David Brent movie, making more of the role played by Doc Brown.

Viewers say British TV comedy is crucial
...but spending on the genre falls again
11/07/2016 … Almost three-quarters of viewers say that showing 'high quality comedy made in the UK' is a key part of public service broadcasting.

Sun 10 July 2016

Some in tents comedy
Marquee festivals in York, Ealing and Central London
10/07/2016 … The comedy week ahead… Sunday July 10 LIVE IN EDINBURGH: Bawdy provocateur Jim Jefferies continues his no-nonsense Freedumb tour of the UK with a night…