2014 Archives
Fri 31 January 2014

BBC4 reveals new comedies
Shows from Graham Linehan & Mackenzie Crook
31/01/2014 … BBC Four has announced a raft of new comedies, including Graham Linehan's latest series and a sitcom in which Mackenzie Crook plays a metal detector enthusiast.

Guilt & Shame: Addicted To Everything
Gig review by Steve Bennett at the Soho Thearte
31/01/2014 … Your enjoyment of Guilt and Shame’s boisterously raucous show will depend entirely on your reaction to one of their set pieces, in which they drag a guy off the…

Everyone should be joking about Scottish independence
Not just a few Scottish comics, Andy Todd argues
31/01/2014 … It has been two months since the Scottish Government published Scotland's Future: Your Guide To An Independent Scotland.

Call everyone Dave day
31/01/2014 … • 'There's so much terrible stuff in the clubs: you see audience's minds being polluted by awful language and base thoughts.

Jerry teases Seinfeld reunion
31/01/2014 … JERRY SEINFELD has given aways some more clues about the Seinfeld reunion.

Twitter shuts satire account after government complaint
Clampdown on spoof JobCentre feed
31/01/2014 … Twitter has closed down a parody account mocking government policies days after Whitehall warned the writers: ‘It is not satire’.