2013 Archives
Fri 17 May 2013

17/05/2013 … ENTRIES have opened for the Scottish Comedian Of The Year, which comes with a £1,500 first prize and a trip to the 2014 Adelaide Fringe.

Chris Fitchew: Just Jack
17/05/2013 … Chris Fitchew is a passionate, larger-than-life, full-on entertainer who brings infectious exuberance and bold ambition to his creations.

Toby Brown: Screaming Julie
17/05/2013 … Judging by this solo show, Toby Brown has a few strings to his comic bow.

Maxine Jones: Embarrassing Mother
17/05/2013 … Maxine Jones has spent 21 of the last 23 years raising her three sons, mostly alone.

Mumbai misadventures
Comedy Store wins legal victory after its Indian joint venture collapses
17/05/2013 … The Comedy Store’s joint venture to run a stand-up club in India has fallen apart with a protracted legal battle, following allegations of financial irregularities.