2013 Archives
Mon 20 May 2013

Horse and Louis: Party Bucket
20/05/2013 … They might both be slightly awkward young men with guitars and folksy style, but Horse & Louis are no Flight Of The Conchords.

Sun 19 May 2013

Hill & Weedon: Fan Mail
19/05/2013 … Robin Hill and Theo Weedon won this year’s Musical Comedy Awards; although they could probably have won any similar competition in the past 50 years.

Blue plaque for Galton & Simpson
At the TB hospital where they met
19/05/2013 … Hancock and Steptoe and Son writers Ray Galton and Alan Simpson are to be honoured with a blue plaque at the hospital where they met.
Sat 18 May 2013

Bussman writes 'the rudest sitcom ever'
...and now wants someone to fund it
18/05/2013 … Smack The Pony writer Jane Bussmann has written 'the rudest sitcom ever' – and is seeking commercial sponsorship to make it happen.