2013 Archives
Wed 10 July 2013

Joan Rivers accused of strike breaking
10/07/2013 … Joan Rivers is facing disciplinary action from the Writers Guild Of America for breaking a strike.

Jim Davidson rebailed
10/07/2013 … Jim Davidson has been rebailed until October over allegations of sexual offences.

How TV jokes about sexual exploitation
'It's grotesque' say campaigners
10/07/2013 … Underage girls are more likely to be the butt of sexually exploitative jokes in sitcoms than adult characters, a new report has found.

I Laughed, I Cried by Viv Groskop
10/07/2013 … It’s a feature-writing staple: a journalist – probably with a secret desire to be a comedian – picks up a few tips from the pros, then performs a one-off…

Tue 09 July 2013

Count to two...
Sitcom gets a second series after just one episode
09/07/2013 … The BBC has ordered a second series of Count Arthur Strong – after just one episode has aired.