2012 Archives
Mon 21 May 2012

21/05/2012 … BILLY CONNOLLY and Tony Hancock are among 60 'New Elizabethans' who have had the biggest impact on Britain during the Queens' reign, chosen by an expert panel for…
Sat 19 May 2012

19/05/2012 … JON RICHARDSON will be recording his first DVD at The Apollo Theatre on London's Shaftesbury Avenue in September.

Count Arthur heads to TV
BBC Two sitcom shooting this year
19/05/2012 … Radio 4 stalwart Count Arthur Strong is to make the leap to TV – with a BBC Two sitcom shooting at the end of the year.

Fri 18 May 2012

Internet troll
18/05/2012 … Internet Troll with Patton Oswalt from Patton Oswalt .