2012 Archives
Wed 23 May 2012

Brighton Fringe: Mike Sheer: Undergod
23/05/2012 … Canadian Mike Sheer says his show is about ‘God, death and genitals’, which is pretty much the unholy trinity of all stand-up.

Dirty Uncle Comedy Roadshow
23/05/2012 … You do have to wonder how the Brighton Fringe was sold to these Swedish comedians – and whether they really expected their trip to Britain to involve performing…

Dave Baucutt : This Time It's Personal
23/05/2012 … Once upon a time, it was a running criticism of many hour-long stand-up shows that they comprised a tight 20-minute set, honed over years on the circuit, 20 minutes…
Tue 22 May 2012

The great outdoors
Our guide to the best summer fests
22/05/2012 … Well, the sun’s come out across UK today, so in a spirit of misplaced optimism, here’s a look forward to some of the best outdoor festivals for comedy fans this…

You're no one if you're not on TV
John Fleming on success vs originality
22/05/2012 … Appear on TV or fail as a comedianThat is not quite the situation, but it is, alas, very close to it.

Student Awards: The final eight
Contest reaches its last stage
22/05/2012 … The last five finalists in the Chortle Student Comedy Awards have been named following an impressive semi-final in London.