2010 Archives
Thu 23 September 2010

Caroline Aherne plans ITV comedy
...and Comedy Rocks will return
23/09/2010 … Broadcast Comedy Forum: Caroline Aherne is working on a new comedy show for ITV1.

Sitcoms 'don't reflect modern Britain'
23/09/2010 … Broadcast Comedy Forum: Television sitcoms fail to reflect much of British life, a senior BBC executive has admitted.

Facejacker to return
23/09/2010 … Broadcast Comedy Forum: Hidden camera show Facejacker is to return to Channel 4, the station’s head of comedy has confirmed.

What next for TV stand-up?
23/09/2010 … Broadcast Comedy Forum: Broadcasters are already looking beyond the straightforward stand-up show, following the success of Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow.