2010 Archives
Fri 01 October 2010

God the rapist
In Frankie Boyle's mind. WTF...
01/10/2010 … Trust Gilbert Gottfried to get in with the first joke about Greg Giraldo, tweeting just hours after his death: ‘If Greg Giraldo is cremated, will that be the Greg…

Brand back on the radio
01/10/2010 … Russell Brand is to host his first radio show since 2008’s ‘Sachsgate’ scandal.

Charles: Modern comedy is 'witless'
01/10/2010 … Prince Charles has turned comedy critic, bemoaning the modern scene as dominated by the ‘witless humour of cruelty and smut’.

Russell Brand Booky Wook 2 tour
01/10/2010 … During an interview Jeremy Paxman presented Russell Brand with the chunky sheath of papers that is the BBC’s new compliance form.
Thu 30 September 2010

30/09/2010 … THIS PRISON WHERE I LIVE, a documentary about jailed Burmese comedian Zarganar, currently the subject of an Amnesty International campaign, is to receive its UK…