2010 Archives
Thu 12 August 2010

Mrs. Bang: A Series of Seductions in 55 Minutes
12/08/2010 … According to her posters, Mrs Bang is offering ‘a series of seductions in 55 minutes’ but her failure to deliver on this arousing promise shouldn't be held against…

Vladimir McTavish
12/08/2010 … A man sings a mournful song to 13 listless audience members.

Doc Brown: Unfamous
12/08/2010 … Much hype has surrounded Doc Brown's move from a high-profile career as a rapper to the less glamorous life of a stand-up, heightened no doubt by him being author…

Showstopper! The Improvised Musical
12/08/2010 … There are certain words that can stroke fear into the heart of the most seasoned comedy-goer, one is 'improvised' and another is 'musical', combined they can make…

Anil Desai: Hey, Impressions Guy!
12/08/2010 … Skill, elegance and confidence Desai has these valuable qualities as a performer and his one man show has a cast of , well, dozens.

Foil, Arms And Hog: Strangers With Sweets
12/08/2010 … There's amiability about this Irish trio – but their show would fall well short if this was all they had going for them.

Pete Jonas: Dark Side Of The Poon (No Stars)
12/08/2010 … Appropriately enough you’ll find this sorry little show in the Caves.