A first in comedy...
15/08/2007 … Drama undergraduate Tom Deacon has been named the funniest student comedian in the UK in Chortle’s annual awards.
15/08/2007 … Drama undergraduate Tom Deacon has been named the funniest student comedian in the UK in Chortle’s annual awards.
14/08/2007 … When did you first come to Edinburgh?1983 What’s been the biggest change since then?Tons more comedy showsWhat one thing could make the Fringe better?No TattooThere’s…
13/08/2007 … Dawn French thinks she will die young.
'Most influential' comedies named
13/08/2007 … Monty Python’s Flying Circus has been named the most influential comedy series of all time.
13/08/2007 … Newbie Ed Patrick doesn't start his set that well, with a predicatble Rohypnol gag – but it soon emerges this is simply an appetiser for a much stronger joke.
13/08/2007 … Relative newcomer Prince Abdi claims to be the only Somalian comic working in the UK, even if he brilliantly punctures his own unique-selling-point so as to fit…
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