2007 Archives
Fri 28 September 2007

Vintage comedy scripts auctioned
...to raise cash for animal charity
28/09/2007 … Carla Lane is selling her original sitcom scripts for Bread, Butterflies and The Liver Birds to raise money for an animal sanctuary.

Fiends reunited
28/09/2007 … ‘I’m one of the few people who went to rehab to wean myself off God.

Women can't tell jokes
...say 97 per cent of the population
28/09/2007 … Just three per cent of people think women are better at telling jokes than men.

Maureen Younger – Original Review
28/09/2007 … It seems churlish to criticise a comic for being self-absorbed since it virtually comes with the territory – but there’s something about Maureen Younger’s…