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Sat 29 December 2007

seinoscars29 |


29/12/2007 … JERRY SEINFELD says he has turned down the chance to host the Oscars because the nervous audience 'want to win their award - they are not there to have fun’.

cbe30 |


29/12/2007 … LESLIE PHILLIPS has been made a CBE in the New Year Honours list - at the age of 83.

Fri 28 December 2007

extras29 |


28/12/2007 … THE final edition of Extras drew 5.

Book review: Born Standing Up | by Steve Martin

Book review: Born Standing Up

by Steve Martin

28/12/2007 … To those who know him only as the star of such Hollywood pap as Cheaper By The Dozen 2 or the embarrassing remakes of Sergeant Bilko and the Pink Panther, it would…

Thu 27 December 2007

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