Sacha Baron Cohen revives Ali G and Borat

How would they tackle Donald Trump and Kamala Harris?

Sacha Baron Cohen revived Ali G and Borat last night – as he showed how his most famous creations might moderate a presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.

He dropped into the characters when he appeared on NBC’s The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon.

His appearance came as he pledged a $500,000 (£285,000) donation to support the International Rescue Committee and Save the Children’s lifesaving work in Sudan.

The country is experiencing   the world’s largest forced migration crisis and is heading towards the worst famine the world has seen in decades.

He said: ‘The Sudanese people urgently need our help and must not be forgotten. I call on friends, colleagues and the general public to join me in contributing whatever you can.’

Janti Soeripto, president and CEO of Save the Children (US) said: ‘The crisis in Sudan has dropped off many people's radar—yet support for kids and families there is desperately needed. 222,000 severely malnourished children are likely to die in the coming months if their needs remain unmet. In the Zamzam Camp in North Darfur, an estimated one child is dying every two hours already. It's unacceptable. 

‘With Sacha's generous donation Save the Children can reach over 10,000 people in Sudan—helping families with cash assistance, establishing mobile health clinics, providing safe drinking water and creating child-friendly spaces.’

Published: 25 Oct 2024

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