Flat & The Curves at Chortle's Fast Fringe
On what they want from their sex lives
Here are Flat & The Curves setting out what they want from their sex lives, in today's clip from Chortle's Fast Fringe.
The band comprises Issy roe-Wright, Arabella Rodrigo, Katy Baker and Charlotte Brooke, and their Edinburgh Fringe show is on at The Stand's New Town Theatre at 10.35pm from August 18.
Fast Fringe showcases 12 different comedy and variety acts every day of the Edinburgh Fringe (Aug 3-27) at Pleasance Dome at 6.50pm. Tickets: https://chortl.es/ffviayoutube
Filming is by NextUp, which is live-streaming more than 60 shows from the Fringe. Subscribe at https://nextupcomedy.com/edfringe/ and use code CHORTLE10 to save £10 on the usual £30 annual pass.
Published: 16 Aug 2022