Adele Cliff at Chortle's Fast Fringe
Extract from her Edinburgh show, In The Dark
Adele Cliff speaks about being a nerd, disturbing hecklers and having two sisters who are better than her in her joke-filled set at Chortle Fast Fringe.
She was performing to promote her Edinburgh Fringe comedy show, In The Dark, which is on at Just The Tonic at The Tron at 3.40pm.
Fast Fringe showcases 12 different comedy and variety acts every day of the Edinburgh Fringe (Aug 3-27) at Pleasance Dome at 6.50pm. Tickets: https://chortl.es/ffviayoutube
Filming is by NextUp, which is live-streaming more than 60 shows from the Fringe. Subscribe at https://nextupcomedy.com/edfringe/ and use code CHORTLE10 to save £10 on the usual £30 annual pass.
Published: 14 Aug 2022